Reporter Nicki Weisensee Egan’s Powerful Cosby Expose Set For April 2019 Release

Stories from a respected and dogged reporter’s pursuit to cover the fall of Bill Cosby is heading to bookshelves in 2019.
Former People magazine writer Nicki Weisensee Egan is sharing her firsthand account in her debut book, “Chasing Cosby,” of reporting on the downward spiral of the “Cosby Show” star — the man once thought of as “America’s Dad.”
Egan, who currently writes for various outlets, was one of the first reporters to cover the drugging and molestation claims against 81-year-old Cosby made in 2005 by Ms. Andrea Constand. “Egan doggedly investigated the case, developing ties with entrenched sources and discovering incriminating details that would ultimately come to influence the prosecution,” her rep said in a statement. CLICK FOR MORE