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Chasing Cosby by Nicole Weisensee Egan: Book Review

The Cosby story is a lens through which we can look inward at our own beliefs and prejudices and how it influences who we choose to believe and why, who we choose to idolize and why.

This is one of my favorite paragraphs in the introduction of Nicole Weisensee Egan’s work Chasing Cosby. I read Chasing Cosby for a few reasons. One, Nicole suggested it to me on Twitter. Two, it sounded interesting to me: my parents had played me and my siblings Bill Cosby’s comedy CDs when we were younger, but I remember the day those CDs stopped being played. Three, I was coming off an “American justice” loop after finishing my article on the sexual assault allegations against Michael Jackson — the second wave of which occurred at roughly the same time as the Cosby case.

Nicki Egan:
The Daily Beast  Features
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