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Celebrity Justice Prevails Again

Note: This column first appeared in The [London] Times on Sunday, July 4, 2021.

Somehow, I knew Bill Cosby would find a way to beat the system.

Because, in the United States at least, there's justice. And then there's celebrity justice. It's a lesson I learned when I first began covering the Cosby story more than 16 years ago.

Allegations that the entertainer known as “America’s Dad” had drugged and sexually assaulted a woman at his Elkins Park mansion just outside Philadelphia broke on January 20, 2005. I was an investigative crime reporter for the Philadelphia Daily News. When my boss assigned the story to me, my initial reaction was, "Not the Cos!"

I'd grown up watching the animated series Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids and was a devoted fan of The Cosby Show.

It's hard to explain how naïve I was. I truly believed that Cosby, 83, was Cliff Huxtable, the warm-hearted doctor that he played on TV.




Nicki Egan:
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